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FAQ - Solar.wattpilot App Solar Energy

General questions

"PV battery threshold" or "Ohmpilot threshold" can set a threshold that enables the Wattpilot to use the power of the battery or the Ohmpilot itself in addition to the excess at the feed-in point. The battery will then no longer be charged or the Ohmpilot will no longer heat the hot water as long as the car is being charged.
If the charging is interrupted, a problem may appear, depending on your car model. Activate "Simulate unplugging" as solution.
It shows how much charging power for your car is provided by your PV system directly, by your battery or from the grid.
The "Eco Mode threshold" only is intended for Eco Mode. In "Next trip Mode", the cheapest electricity is calculated and used in the available period.
Only cars are listed, where we know specific settings, such as how the car starts to charge again after a stop. If your car isn’t listed, select “Standard charging behavior”.
The Wattpilot calculates a charging plan based on charging power, which is measured when the “Next trip mode” is activated. If, for example, your car reduces the charging power, because its battery is fully charged, the Wattpilot recognizes that the desired amount of energy can no longer be charged in the desired time period. 


  • The smartphone is not connected to the Wattpilot hotspot. A direct connection to the Wattpilot hotspot is needed for the first setup. Therefore, you need to connect the hotspot (e.g. Wattpilot_12345678) of the Wattpilot to your smartphone in its settings. The password is printed on the supplied card. Alternatively, you can directly scan the QR code on the supplied card. 
  • After installing the iOS app the request “Solar.wattpilot wants to find devices in your local network and to enable a connection.” was denied. Uninstall and reinstall the Solar.wattpilot app and confirm the request as soon as it appears. 
The distance between the router and Wattpilot might be too high. The distance can be reduced on a trial basis by bringing the router close to the Wattpilot. If the distance can’t be reduced, a repeater, access point or powerline modem must be installed to bridge the distance.
The Wattpilot can only display the PV generation of the inverter, which is connected to it. Other generators can’t be displayed.
  • Please note that the connection to the Wattpilot only is possible with Fronius GEN24, Fronius Symo Hybrid and SnapINverter.
  • Or maybe the Wattpilot and the inverter aren’t in the same network.
  • Another reason could be that no primary Fronius Smart Meter was connected to the inverter (at the feed-in point).