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Solar Energy
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Internet services diagnostics

The hostnames of the server addresses that the inverter needs for a successful Internet connection cannot be resolved to IP addresses. This may be related to an incorrect DNS setting.

Proceed as follows:

  • If a static IP address is used, make sure on the user interface of the inverter under "Communication" - "Network" that the stored DNS address matches that of the router.
  • If resolution is still not possible, an external DNS can also be used instead of the DNS address of the router. To do this, set the DNS address in the network settings of the inverter to (Google) or (Cloudflare), for example.
  • If resolution is still not possible, please check the DNS settings of the router.

The inverter's connection requests to the Fronius Cloud are not answered in the specified time.

Reasons and solutions:

  • Connection is blocked by the firewall
    Make sure that all necessary server addresses for the connection to the Fronius Cloud have been released in the firewall settings of the router. You can find the complete list here. If the router has access profile management / parental control (e.g. when using a FritzBox), make sure in the settings of your router that no restrictions are set for the inverter and that unrestricted Internet access is possible.
  • Weak or unstable WLAN signal
    Make sure that there is sufficient signal strength at the inverter (min. -50 dBm). The WLAN signal should be displayed on the user interface of the inverter under "Communication" - "Network" with at least 2 out of 3 dashes. If the signal is too weak, switch the connection to LAN or install a WLAN repeater.

  • No Internet connection
    Make sure that the router is online and an Internet connection is possible from the network.

The inverter's connection requests to the Fronius Cloud are not answered in the specified time.

Reasons and solutions:

  • Connection is blocked by the firewall
    Make sure that all necessary server addresses for the connection to the Fronius Cloud have been released in the firewall settings of the router. You can find the complete list here.

    If the router has access profile management / parental control (e.g. when using a FritzBox), make sure in the settings of your router that no restrictions are set for the inverter and that unrestricted Internet access is possible.

The inverter cannot access a required service of the Fronius Cloud.

Possible cause:

  • Connection is blocked by the firewall.
    Make sure that all necessary server addresses for the connection to the Fronius Cloud have been released in the firewall settings of the router. You can find the complete list here.

    If the router has access profile management / parental control (e.g. when using a FritzBox), make sure in the settings of your router that no restrictions are set for the inverter and that unrestricted Internet access is possible.

Time synchronization does not work It is currently not possible to synchronize the inverter's internal time. If this behavior persists in the long term, there will be discrepancies in the time.

Possible causes:

  • Inverter has been restarted recently
    After a restart, it takes approx. 12 minutes for the time to be synchronized.
  • Connection is blocked by the firewal
    ln the firewall settings of the router, make sure that the address can be reached by the inverter via port 123 (TCP/UDP).

IoT certificates are renewed automatically at regular intervals. If the server for the certificate renewal is not available, the certificate will expire and the inverter will no longer be able to connect to Solar.web.

Possible cause:

  • Connection is blocked by the firewall
    In the firewall settings of the router, make sure that the address can be reached by the inverter via port 443 (TCP).
    Attention! If the certificate has expired due to missing firewall shares, it will take several days after correcting the settings until the certificate has been renewed.