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Perfect Welding

Big Data in Welding Technology: The Raw Material of the Future

Experts agree: Big data has the potential to fundamentally change society, politics, and the economy as electricity and the internet have in the past. Even in welding technology, the collection and processing of relevant information opens up enormous potential for optimization and allows for entirely new business models. However, having access to the right tools is essential to gain control over and capitalize on the influx of new data — as is having the necessary transparency in dealing with the digital technologies of the future.

The digital transformation is all around us and is not only having an impact on traditional business models but also affects people’s everyday lives. Online shops, streaming services, social media platforms, news portals, or even tracking tools are part of our daily routine. The internet has become a global communication network, revolutionizing the way we work, learn, and stay in touch. More and more activities take place online, and each of these leaves behind traces on the network. The global volume of data is growing immeasurably, bringing with it new challenges for society, the economy, and politics. How can this wealth of data be utilized? Big data analytics plays an important role here. This involves using software to conduct systematic analyses of large volumes of data. The information collected then has to be organized and, above all, qualitatively analyzed, with the aim of filtering out relevant data in order to use it to its full potential.


Continuous data collection and analysis are also becoming increasingly significant in industrial manufacturing processes – in welding technology, for example, modern power sources collect a wealth of information, including data on current, voltage, wire speed, welding speed and time, and job numbers. This data helps to optimize processes and avoid errors. Users can also seamlessly integrate their systems into a networked, automated production environment. But big data does much more than this – it also opens up completely new business models for welding technology manufacturers. Collecting and analyzing user data provides a deep insight into day-to-day work and the challenges facing the user. Based on this information, custom solutions can be created and tailored precisely to the needs of individual manufacturing companies.

User data is, therefore, no longer the most important resource for internet giants alone. Data is now also of growing strategic significance for SMEs such as welding technology manufacturers. Those who have found their niche online and understand the user’s perspective have a clear competitive advantage and strengthen their connection to their customers in the long term. And the users themselves benefit too, thanks to improved, more efficient welding processes that can save them time and money in the long term.