Perfect Welding

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Perfect Welding

The beauty of welding

Dmitry Kuschniruk discovered his love for artistic welding while working at the Paton Electric Welding Institute in Kiev, Ukraine.

The technique of titanium welding was developed and driven forward in the 1970s, at the start of the space age, with the Paton Institute leading the way. Dmitry Kuschniruk's titanium masterpieces – such as the titanium rose – are the result of painstaking efforts with the TIG process, and reflect the artist’s soul and inner thoughts.

Anyone welding with titanium needs outstanding manual dexterity. The material is unforgiving of errors and a damaged seam is not easy to repair. The artist also needs the requisite feeling for the material to achieve the color they want in the work.

Dmitry Kuschniruk has mastered all this to the point of perfection.