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Perfect Welding

A clear competitive edge with the TransSteel EN1090 certificate of conformity package from Fronius

Metallbau Dekassian, Austria

Metallbau Dekassian GmbH offers an extensive product portfolio ranging from railings, windows, garage doors and load-bearing components right through to ornamental metalwork. Founded in 1928, the company’s 17-strong team is now led by managing director Meinrad Partl, who completed his metalworking master craftsman’s diploma examination there. The firm invests in quality management and technology, and takes part in the “Qualitäts-Handwerk Tirol” [Quality Craftsmanship Tyrol] qualification scheme run by the Tyrolean Chamber of Commerce, who honoured it with a gold certificate as a “model enterprise”.
Dekassian, Fronius

Meinrad Partl, Managing Director of Metallbau Dekassian

“We had a clear competitive advantage right from the start for tenders to EN 1090 among public-sector clients in particular. Customers know that when they work with us, they’ll always be on the safe side.”


All aluminium and steel structural component manufacturers have had to comply with the EN 1090 European standard – which includes standards for companies’ resources and welding units – since July 2014. Welding procedure specifications (WPS) for sample applications are a central precondition for an enterprise’s certification. They contain extensive information and data on the company performing the work and the welding processes. As it is costly and time-consuming to acquire the WPS, a lengthy internal process ensues for applicant companies.

“Welding with the TransSteel is much easier than with other systems. Now that I’ve got to know this combination of welding system and WPS, I wouldn’t want to work with anything else.” Stefan Mailänder, welder at Metallbau Dekassian


Dekassian recognised the opportunity and was an EN 1090 pioneer, reforming its processes and obtaining the certification two years before the transitional period expired. The model company aims to make significant cost and time savings by buying a Fronius TransSteel 5000 welding system with the certificate of conformity package, which contains 50 qualified and certified welding procedure specifications. As a result Dekassian can avoid the lengthy process of completing the certification process itself – from creating a specification including specimen welds, to the testing process and the eventual signing and sealing by the examining body and examiner. This foresight and trust in technology from the innovation leader Fronius gives the medium-sized company a distinct competitive edge in the form of proven quality directly from the manufacturer, cost and time savings, and the trust of their customers.